**Persuasion** A complaint I’ve seen is that you shouldn’t be able to persuade …


A complaint I’ve seen is that you shouldn’t be able to persuade someone with “a single die roll”.

Of course not. Sometimes, yes, but that shouldn’t be the default. It really depends on how well the people involved see eye to eye.

Want an example? Go look up Disguised Toast on YouTube and see how he plays Among Us. That’s the Deception and Persuasion skills being used, and it’s a *process*.

How do you do this in D&D?

Well, simple. It’s multiple rolls. The character has a DC equal to the target’s Passive Insight (Insight + 10). They need to meet or surpass this a number of times.

How many?

Well, I’d say ‘up to the GM’, but we can do something a bit more crunchy as a *rule of thumb*.

Base #: Target’s Proficiency Rank
Modifier 1: Initial Stance
-2 if the target is allied
-1 if the target is friendly
+0 if the target is neutral
+1 if the target is unfriendly
+3 if the target is hostile

Modifier 2: The request is…
-2 very reasonable or helps the target significantly
-1 reasonable or along what the target would do
+0 somewhat reasonable or doesn’t hinder the target
+1 somewhat unreasonable or a minor inconvenience
+3 unreasonable or a significant inconvenience
+5 very unreasonable or very inconvenient
+7 goes against the target’s goals or is life-threatening

So, an enemy with a PR of +4 is being talked to by the PCs. This is ‘hostile’ (+3), and the PCs are trying to convince him to not do the Big Evil Plan. This would be very inconvenient – but they promise he won’t be killed and offer some ideas of a compromise (+5).

They need 12 successful rolls between them to wear him down. Keep track of each success until they get to 12. If they fail, their success count goes down by one. If it falls below 0, negotiations are over.

Pretty straightforward, I think? And the GM can easily give Advantage/Disadvantage or other modifiers based on what the players say / direction the conversation is going / the players hitting sore spots or picking things which resonate with the target.

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A complaint I’ve seen is that you shouldn’t be able to persuade … appeared first on DnD Replay.

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