So I made a barbarian subclass. I worked really hard on it but I feel like it’s …

Anyone like our friend Nate ever create unique sub classes?

So I made a barbarian subclass. I worked really hard on it but I feel like it’s fairly balanced. I had one of my friends play test it and they seemed to like it. Granted they only played one session with it, but they seemed to enjoy it very much. I hope you lot like it too

Path to the third eye
For some barbarians rage is more than just a state of anger or a form of primal fury. It is a way to release negative energy and expel negative emotion. Going in to a state of rage is almost a form of meditation. This allows them to use their negative emotions and energy as a powerful weapon against their foes.

Third eye awakening
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level you gain advantage on sight based perception checks. Along with 120 feet of dark vision if you don’t have it already. Additionally you gain resistance to force and psychic damage while raging.

Zen rage
At third level you learn to influence the tide of battle using your psychic abilities. By adding your psychic dice to certain aspects of your combat, you can help yourself or hinder your opponents.

At level 3 your psychic dice is a D6. At level 6 it becomes a D8. At level 10 it becomes a D10. At level 14 it becomes a D12.

Psychic burst
At third level you begin to learn to hone your psychic power in to your attacks. When you hit an opponent with an attack you can add your psychic dice.

Psychic scream
At sixth level you begin to utilize your psychic powers on your enemies. When an enemy you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the attack by a roll of your psychic dice.

Psychic movement
At sixth level you begin to learn how to move simple objects. You gain access to the mage hand cantrip

All seeing eye
At tenth level your third eye begins to focus to the worlds true nature. You gain true sight up to 120 feet.

Mutual rage
At 14th level your psychic energy can reach out to your allies and guide them. While raging you can expend a use of you psychic dice to allow one creature of your choice within 60 feet to add a D12 to one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check for the next 10 minutes.

Pick up the rest of this and more from D&D player Nate H.:
at his social media post

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