Fan riot rocks Dungeons & Dragons scene

We did it lads. But this was just a small battle of a much larger war. Never give up.

A two-week revolt by Dungeons & Dragons fans has sent the company behind the venerable tabletop role-playing game scrambling to make amends.

Driving the news: Facing infuriated fans, Hasbro-owned Wizards of the Coast says it will refrain from implementing some of the recently leaked, upcoming changes to a license that allows fans and game makers to use elements of D&D in their own spinoff games.

The dispute has shaken up the world of tabletop gaming, causing fans to question their loyalties to D&D, a nearly 49-year-old franchise, while rivals gather strength.

Catch-up quick: The D&D community erupted five days into 2023 after news outlet Gizmodo published leaked details about Open Game License (OGL) 1.1, a significant revision to the license that Wizards of the Coast has overseen since 2000 to govern the usage of some parts of D&D.

Under the original license, content creators — from fans to small businesses that make their own popular tabletop games — have been able to freely use some of the dice-rolling, stat-counting mechanics and legacy character elements of Dungeons & Dragons.

The leaked 1.1 would h……

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