(Edit for clarity: This is talking about situations that are not “Impossible Tas…

(Edit for clarity: This is talking about situations that are not “Impossible Tasks”, but moreso a rebuttal to people who have Nat 20’s be auto successes on everything, and then when told that’s not how it works, respond in the way below.)

A Natural 20 on a dice roll is not an auto success on anything other than an attack roll. There are plenty of reasons to still call for a roll, even if by stats alone the player cannot succeed. Removing the chance for players to work as a team by using features and turn that failure into a success means you’re a s*** DM

Imagine how targeted the specific player at the table feels when the Dragon breathes fire on the whole party, and you tell them not to bother rolling since they can’t succeed, yet everyone else rolls.

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The post (Edit for clarity: This is talking about situations that are not “Impossible Tas… appeared first on DnD Replay.

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